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Talk Python To Me

A podcast on Python and related technologies

Latest episode:
#462 Pandas and Beyond with Wes McKinney

This episode dives into some of the most important data science libraries from the Python space with one of its pioneers: Wes McKinney. He's the creator or co-creator of pandas, Apache Arrow, and Ibis projects and an entrepreneur in this space.
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Wes McKinney
Wes McKinney

Take Python to the next level with our online courses

Upcoming episodes

Giovanni Barillari
Giovanni Barillari
(up next)
Running on Rust: Granian Web Server

Wilhelm Klopp
Wilhelm Klopp
(and then)
Seeing code flows and generating tests with Kolo

Ines Montani
Ines Montani
The AI Revolution Won't Be Monopolized

What listeners think

Great listen
Interesting guests, host does a great job moderating and leading the conversation. Awesome for both advanced and beginner Python users.
TX 4ever
I have learned so much because of this podcast!
Marius Longsword
Michael Kennedy has a fantastic personality for tech podcasts, I have always found his explanations light-hearted enough to be entertaining, but with enough detail that it's interesting and worth listening to in order to learn. In my experience, that's a rare combination in tech podcasts.
Godel_unicode 39
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Python Bytes Podcast

Do you enjoy Talk Python To Me? We created a second podcast to be the perfect counterpart to the long-form interview format on Talk Python:

Python Bytes:
Python headlines delivered directly to your earbuds

If you are looking for a 15 minute conversation on the topical items of the week in the Python ecosystem, be sure to jump over to Python Bytes and subscribe.
Python Bytes Podcast

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Michael Kennedy
Your host
Michael Kennedy

More about Talk Python to Me

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy. The show covers a wide array of Python topics as well as many related topics.

The format is a casual 1-hour conversation with industry experts.

Have feedback for the show? Send it to We'd love to hear from you.

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We are always on the look out for exciting topics to bring to you on Talk Python To Me. We could use your help!

Do you have a great idea for a show? Do know a dynamic Python personality who we should be speaking to? Send us an email!

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Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon